This is what happened when I tried Betr and put my Gut Health First!

My experience with Betr, a sustainable, nutritious lifestyle for EVERYONE.

Holly Smith

Employee and Wellness Council Member, Walworth County, WI

Hello fellow Walworth County employees!

I wanted to share my experience with a new health and wellness program offered to county employees. 

I heard of Betr through my seat on the Employee Wellness Council. I was a little skeptical at first, but I wanted to test out the Betr program for my fellow employees, and WOW, did I learn a few things. 

I’m offering five lessons from Betr to show how it could help YOU find a straightforward, sustainable, and delicious approach to lifelong health! 

Lesson 1: Betr isn’t a “diet” or “weight loss” program.

I told you that I was skeptical, and that’s because I’d been through it all before. I’ve tried too many healthy shakes and workout trends to count! So, when I heard Betr’s claim of rapid, dramatic results, I had my doubts! Could three days make that much of a difference?

I was pleasantly surprised right off the bat. On Day 1, I learned that weight loss was NOT the goal of Betr. A bonus side effect of following the Betr protocol? Sure! But, not the ultimate measure of success. 

You see, Betr is a program designed to heal your body from the inside out, starting with the beneficial bacteria in your gut- your MICROBIOME. The program uses food as medicine to reverse the inflammation that keeps us from reaching our health goals. 

All this sounded great to me, and I got a TON of direction on designing my healthy lifestyle…but would it work? 

Lesson 2: Three days CAN make a difference.

I have suffered from chronic headaches for most of my adult life. I blame many things…dehydration, staring at a computer screen, and even my genetics! So, imagine my surprise when my headaches disappeared after three days on Betr. 

I’m serious! My last headache was on Day 3 of following the Betr protocol. I haven’t had a single one since then! To me, this is almost a miracle! 

Betr calls this a “Non-Scale Victory” (NSV),  one of the program’s primary focuses. By healing chronic inflammation, we don’t just free up our body to lose weight or get fit. We cure all kinds of seemingly unrelated symptoms!

Betr has helped people reduce medication use, get more restful sleep, improve energy, reduce pain, and much more! All through yummy, whole, natural foods that heal our gut microbiome!

Lesson 3: Overall health and gut health go hand-in-hand

Sorry if my next NSV is “TMI,” but I think it’s important to share. 

Before Betr, I frequently dealt with uncomfortable digestive symptoms like bloat and indigestion. Now, with Betr, by focusing on eating delicious gut-healthy foods, I don’t have those issues anymore! And I feel so much better not being weighed down by regular tummy troubles!

Again, I shouldn’t have been surprised by this Betr benefit. They told me it would happen. I’ve learned that healing your gut microbiome pays you back by balancing hormones and producing anti-inflammatory substances. 

These substances work throughout the body to heal common symptoms of chronic inflammation and rebalance blood pressure, blood sugar, energy, and mood!. 

Like Dr. Ferro says, “look well to the gut for the root of all disease!” It was definitely my experience! 

You'll never feel deprived or hungry with delicious, gut-healthy foods from Betr's massive recipe library.

Lesson 4: It doesn’t have to be hard! 

I’ve learned so much from Betr that it’s hard to say one lesson is the “most important,” but this one is up there! 

With the weight loss or workout programs I did before I always felt like I was fighting against my body to get any results. But with Betr, I feel like I’m working with my body. 

I’m not throwing gimmicky diet foods or supplements at it to try and “trick” it into energy or weight loss. I’m simply supporting it with good food. And my body pays me back with the results I want, and some I didn’t know I needed :-)

Betr is an easy program to follow because I just feel good! I don’t have to worry about weighing foods or counting calories. I’ve learned to listen to my body and give it what it needs to feel great! 

And It’s personalized! It’s not a one size fits all program. I’ve learned what foods don’t work best for me, which lets me feel in control. And there are some incredible “side effects,” too!

Lesson 5: Betr is a sustainable lifestyle.

Remember how I told you that Betr viewed weight loss as a beneficial side effect? Let me report mine! I’ve lost 8% of my body weight on the Betr program. 

Now, I’m on Level 2 of the protocol, where I’m reintroducing more foods into my eating plan. I was initially worried about this, but I’m still losing weight and feeling amazing!  Once Level 1 healed my inflammation, it was easier to listen to my body about what foods cause me to feel less than great. 

The other thing that makes Betr sustainable is that the food is so good! They have a massive collection of recipes for every taste preference. One of my favorites is the “Betr Eggroll in a Bowl.” I’ve tried it with shrimp, chicken, and beef– it’s delicious every time! 

And for people who don’t like or don’t have time to cook, Betr offers an affordable time-saving meal delivery service. It offers mouth-watering dishes for every preference, like chili, chana masala, and chicken cacciatore!

So what makes Betr better than traditional diet and weight loss programs?

Just about everything.

Betr is a program for the long haul. Even if I go “off-plan,” I don’t feel like a failure. One of Betr’s main mottos is “Betr, not perfect.” 

I feel supported. There’s one-on-one coaching, educational resources, and a community of thousands of other members to share my wins and inspirations!

On top of that, the recipes and meal delivery packages ensure that I can eat Betr no matter how my schedule looks! 

Most importantly, Betr has put me back in touch with my body. I don’t feel like I’m exhausting or starving myself, and I’m not measuring my success by my dress size or a number on the scale. 

I’m supporting my body with good-tasting, healthy fuel, and it supports me right back with happy, energized, and pain-free days! 

I’m so grateful that I found Betr, and I hope everyone gives it a try - it's a FREE covered benefit for Walworth County employees and spouses. Give yourself a break and enroll in Betr today...because you deserve Betr!